WBUR Oral History Project: Tim Sullivan. Clip 1
Sullivan, Tim (Interviewee)
O'Brien, Joanna Shea (Interviewer)
Girdharry, Kristi (Recordist)
McDonough, Ryan (Contributor)
Girdharry, Kristi (Recordist)
McDonough, Ryan (Contributor)
Date created
January 24, 2014
Type of resource
Sound recording
Oral histories (document genres)
Oral histories (document genres)
Sound Recording
Digital origin
born digital
Countless lives were affected by the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings and their
aftermath. The WBUR Oral History Project collects stories from individuals whose lives were
immediately and irrevocably changed by these events. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of
WBUR, our team of oral historians, and the participation of these interview subjects, Our
Marathon has tried to ensure that these stories are not forgotten. We believe that these
stories matter, and that they demonstrate the ways historical events transform the lives of
the people who lived through them. Oral historians Jayne K. Guberman, Ph.D., and Joanna Shea
O'Brien conducted the interviews for this project. Oral History Project Manager Kristi
Girdharry, Our Marathon Project Co-Director Jim McGrath, and Community Outreach Lead Joanne
DeCaro recorded the interviews and provided research assistance and post-interview processing.
McGrath and Our Marathon Audio Technician Ryan McDonough provided sound editing and processing
for all of the interviews and clips. The opinions and statements expressed in interviews and
related content featured in the WBUR Oral History Project do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Our Marathon, WBUR, Northeastern University, or any employees or volunteers
affiliated with these institutions and projects. Our Marathon and The WBUR Oral History
project make no assertions about the veracity of statements made by participants in this
project. Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital played a critical role in the rehabilitation of
many of the most seriously injured survivors of the bombings, including 15 amputees (two of
whom were double amputees). They managed the opening of their new facility in the Boston Navy
Yard just days after the bombings with the admission and care for dozens of patients and
intense media attention, both of which continued for several months. Many of their staff were
personally affected as they were runners on the Spaulding marathon charity team or were
waiting near the finish line to support the team and witnessed the bombings. Our Marathon's
WBUR Oral History Project sought to collect a cross-section of interviews from Spaulding staff
to chronicle how the rehabilitative care of marathon bombing survivors was an integral part of
the city's response to violence and mass trauma. Tim Sullivan, Director of Communications for
Spaulding Rehabilitation Network, grew up in Tiverton, RI, where he worked at a local farm
throughout his high school career before enrolling at Northeastern University as a
communications and political science major. He gained experience in audio and television
production through Northeastern's co-ops system and took a job at Boston University after
graduation with the distance education program (a predecessor to online courses). While
working at BU, Tim enrolled in a Master's Program in Advertising which he completed in 2005.
He began his career at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston that same year, in
communications and media relations, with responsibilities growing as the hospital expanded its
network. Tim married his college girlfriend, who is a violinist and a music teacher, and the
pair had two children. He also teaches a media relations course at Boston University. Tim
begins his interview reflecting on a childhood illness that caused hearing loss in one ear and
being raised in a family with a strong work ethic and how that informed his approach to work
at Spaulding later in his life. He describes Spaulding's patient centered approach, which
informs how he handles the media, and shares some lessons learned in his communications
career. In the months leading up to the 2013 Boston Marathon, Spaulding leadership was
consumed with the completion of and move to a new state-of-the-art, 132 bed, patient-centered,
green design certified hospital in Charlestown, Massachusetts. As the Director of
Communications, he was focused on publicity, communications print, and media output leading up
to the move; including an expected front page story with the Boston Globe that was scheduled
to run the day after the marathon. In the immediate aftermath of the bombing, Spaulding set up
an incident command center at the Nashua Street Boston hospital location. Tim discusses the
chaotic events of the afternoon, and the week that followed as Spaulding navigated the move to
Charlestown, the arrival of the first bombing survivors, and the anticipation of a media
frenzy as those patients arrived. Tim discusses at length the role of local and national media
juxtaposed against Spaulding's primary responsibility to protect the patients identity and
help them recover and rehabilitate. Tim shares his approach to helping both patients and staff
navigate the nonstop media attention, tactics he used, and lessons he learned. He reflects on
the irony of how the Boston Marathon bombings changed many things for Spaulding, noting that
at one time he would have gladly welcomed media attention from nationally known news outlets,
but after April 15, 2013, he began to turn down media requests. He also shares anecdotes of
some of the more challenging situations he had to navigate with Spaulding patients and staff.
Tim concludes the interview reflecting on personal lessons learned and his gratitude for the
stronger ties that he, the staff, and some patients now share in the wake of the Boston
Marathon bombings. In this clip, Tim details anticipating a feature story on the new hospital
in the Boston Globe the Sunday before the marathon, and how they dealt with the aftermath of
marathon bombings.
The opinions and statements expressed in interviews and related
content featured in the WBUR Oral History Project do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
Our Marathon, WBUR, Northeastern University, or any employees or volunteers affiliated with
these institutions and projects. Our Marathon and The WBUR Oral History project make no
assertions about the veracity of statements made by participants in this project.
Source note
The WBUR Oral History Project. Tim Sullivan (Oral History), Joanna
Shea O'Brien (Oral Historian), Kristi Girdharry (Recorder) Ryan McDonough (Sound Editing and
Related item
Our Marathon The Boston Bombing Digital Archive
Subjects and keywords
Boston Marathon Bombing, Boston, Mass., 2013
Permanent URL
Northeastern University Library
Use and reproduction
In Copyright. This Item is protected by
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the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need
to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
Requests for permission to publish material should be addressed to Northeastern University Library's Digital Scholarship Group (dsg@neu.edu).
Requests for permission to publish material should be addressed to Northeastern University Library's Digital Scholarship Group (dsg@neu.edu).