Our Marathon in the Media

Scholarship on Our Marathon

“Our Marathon: The Role of Graduate Student and Library Labor in Making the Boston Bombing Digital Archive” (Jim McGrath and Alicia Peaker; chapter in Digital Humanities, Libraries, and Partnerships, 2018)
“Boston Libraries, Archives Commemorate Marathon Attack” (Library Journal; April 25. 2014)
“Composing Digital Community Spaces: Design and Literary Practices in/of the Archive” (Dissertation by Kristi Girdharry; 2016)
“Crowdsourcing and Community Engagement” (Alicia Peaker; EDUCause Review; November/December 2015)
“Negotiating Community Literacy Practice: Public Memory Work and the Boston Marathon Bombing Digital Archive” (Kevin Smith; Computers and Composition, June 2016)
“Our City: Images of Home in Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive(Jim McGrath; American Studies Association Conference, 2016)

Project History & Team Reflections

"Our Marathon 1.0 to Our Marathon 2.0: Reflections on Digital Platforms" (Megan Barney; Northeastern University Digital Scholarship Group Blog; June 19, 2018)
"Augmentation and Enhancement of Crowdsourced Metadata for the Our Marathon Digital Archive" (David Heilbrun; Northeastern University Digital Scholarship Group Blog; May 11, 2018)
"'Storytelling, Archives, and Resilience': reflecting on the role of community archives in the Boston Marathon bombing"(Caroline Klibanoff; Northeastern University Digital Scholarship Group Blog; May 1, 2018)
"Our Marathon, five years later: Reflections on the work of digital public humanities" (Jim McGrath; History@Work, April 30, 2018)
"New Project: A New Digital Home for Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive" (Jim McGrath, April 15, 2018)
"Five Years After Attack, Boston Marathon Digital Archivists Find Healing in Storytelling" (News@Northeastern; April 13, 2018)
"Digital History Is More Than Just Sitting Behind Your Laptop" (Jim McGrath, March 27, 2018)
Researchers Developing Boston Marathon Digital Archive (News@Northeastern; May 2013)
“Remembering the 2013 Boston Marathon with the Our Marathon Archive” (Ryan Cordell; ProfHacker, April 2014)
Our Marathon Digital Archive” (Nate Rehm-Daly; Tri-Co Digital Humanities blog, July 2014)
“One Year Later, Our Marathon Exhibit Offers A ‘Moment for Reflection’’ (News@Northeastern; April 2014)
Our Marathon Exhibit Design” (SCOUT; 2014, Internet Archive page)
@OurMarathon (Twitter)
Our Marathon blog (Tumblr)
Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive (Facebook)
“Boston Marathon Reflections” (WBUR)
“Boston Strong” (an interview with Joan Ilacqua on the “Strong Medicine” collection; April 2014)

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